In its ongoing quest to control the effects of inflation, the Mauritian government has just launched a revolutionary new application called MOPRI. The aim of this application is to enable users to compare the prices of products at different local sales outlets, providing a valuable tool for Mauritian consumers.

The launch of MOPRI on May 18, 2023 is the result of a collaboration between Verde Frontier Solutions Ltd, the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection, and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies. This partnership is part of the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council’s public sector transformation program.This partnership is part of the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council’s public sector transformation program. The application allows users to create a basket of products for systematic comparison each month, offering the possibility of comparing the prices of over 450 of the most widely consumed products, in more than 50 different outlets across the island.

In addition, MOPRI provides a list of products whose prices are controlled by the Government, such as bread, rice, flour, multi-purpose kerosene, gasoline, gas, gas oil, onions and potatoes. This feature enables users to report any anomalies, such as the sale of a controlled product at a price higher than that stipulated by law.

The launch of MOPRI is the government’s response to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis. Minister Balgobin presented this project as the second initiative in the public sector transformation program. The first initiative aimed to foster creative collaborative projects, evaluating new approaches and technologies from start-ups and SMEs to optimize procedures and improve service delivery in the public sector.

With the launch of MOPRI, the Mauritian government has set itself several important objectives. Firstly, it aims to inform consumers and help them make informed choices when making their purchases, at a time of high inflation. In addition, the application ensures that local outlets respect the price freeze on essential products. Finally, the precise analytical reports generated by the application will be used to inform evidence-based policy-making.

But how do I use MOPRI? It couldn’t be easier!

Step 1: Select a category or search for a specific product using the search bar.

Step 2: Select the desired product from the available variants.

Step 3: Check the product price.

And that’s all there is to it!

The MOPRI app is available to download from the App Store, Google Play and AppGallery, so everyone can enjoy it.

Westimmo — a leading real estate agency in Mauritius, is committed to keeping you informed of the latest news and developments. We keep a close eye on events on the island to provide you with useful and practical information to enhance your life in Mauritius. We understand the importance of staying informed to make informed decisions, whether it’s about real estate investments, lifestyle choices or keeping up with the latest consumer trends.

With the launch of the MOPRI application, Westimmo recognizes the positive impact it can have on consumers in Mauritius. By enabling price comparisons between different points of sale, this application empowers users to make informed purchasing decisions and meet the challenges posed by inflation. We encourage our customers to take advantage of this valuable tool to compare prices and get the best deals on essential products.

In conclusion, the launch of the MOPRI application in Mauritius represents a significant step forward in empowering consumers and mitigating the effects of inflation. By providing a price comparison platform, this application enables users to make informed purchasing decisions and better manage their budgets. Through our involvement with Westimmo, we will continue to keep a close eye on news and developments to provide you with useful and practical information for your life in Mauritius.

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Изучите сезонный прогноз для Маврикия на 2023-2024 гг. вместе с Westimmo, вашим путеводителем по тропическому образу жизни. От безопасности в сезон ураганов до скрытых сокровищ острова — погрузитесь в увлекательное приключение. Будьте в курсе событий, танцуйте под маврикийским солнцем и позвольте Westimmo стать вашим партнером по настоящему островному образу жизни.

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Сезон циклонов 2023-2024 — Приготовьтесь танцевать под маврикийским солнцем!

Сезон циклонов 2023-2024 — Приготовьтесь танцевать под маврикийским солнцем!

Изучите сезонный прогноз для Маврикия на 2023-2024 гг. вместе с Westimmo, вашим путеводителем по тропическому образу жизни. От безопасности в сезон ураганов до скрытых сокровищ острова — погрузитесь в увлекательное приключение. Будьте в курсе событий, танцуйте под маврикийским солнцем и позвольте Westimmo стать вашим партнером по настоящему островному образу жизни.

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Сезон циклонов 2023-2024 — Приготовьтесь танцевать под маврикийским солнцем!

Сезон циклонов 2023-2024 — Приготовьтесь танцевать под маврикийским солнцем!

Изучите сезонный прогноз для Маврикия на 2023-2024 гг. вместе с Westimmo, вашим путеводителем по тропическому образу жизни. От безопасности в сезон ураганов до скрытых сокровищ острова — погрузитесь в увлекательное приключение. Будьте в курсе событий, танцуйте под маврикийским солнцем и позвольте Westimmo стать вашим партнером по настоящему островному образу жизни.

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