prestige and luxury goods
Villas, penthouses and apartments for rent
Are you thinking of moving to Mauritius and looking for a high-end long-term rental?
Westimmo offers you a wide choice of villas, apartments, penthouses and duplexes for rent, our dedicated team accompanies you every step of the way and until your final installation.
This page lists all of our properties available for rent, including private and exclusive residences. It is important to note that some of our properties are off market and are not published.
We therefore encourage you to contact us regularly to discover our prestigious opportunities.
You have two options for contacting us: use our online form or give us a call.
West: +230 5740 6021
North : +230 5834 1419
Centre : +230 5766 9844
In addition to offering you an exceptional variety of properties, Westimmo is committed to facilitating all your administrative and tax procedures.
Our experienced team is there to guide you through the entire process, ensuring a hassle-free move to Mauritius.
CALODYNE – Long-term rental magnificent modern villa with swimming pool.
120.000 Rs - Long-term rental modern house with swimming pool
GRAND GAUBE – Magnificent modern duplex on the edge of the barachois
Rs 120.000 - Long-term rental waterfront duplex with terrace and magnificent view of the barachois
FLIC en FLAC – New 4-bedroom villa with swimming pool in a secure residence
Flic en Flac - 130 000 Rs - Modern 4 bedroom villa with swimming pool and sea view in a secure residence close to all amenities for long term rental
FLIC EN FLAC – Modern, new 3-bedroom en-suite villa with pool and sea view for rent
FLIC EN FLAC - Rs 130,000 - New, modern 3-bedroom en suite villa with ocean views for long-term rental in a secure residence close to all amenities. Private villa with swimming pool, garden and covered parking lot
GRAND GAUBE – Magnificent new modern flat on the edge of the lagoon
Rs 150,000 - Long-term rental of waterfront flat with terrace and magnificent view of the lagoon
Luxury 5 bedroom villa in Flic en Flac, Mauritius – Long Term Rental
Welcome to our luxury villa in Flic en Flac, Mauritius, perfect for a long-term rental. With 4 bedrooms + separate studio, private pool, landscaped garden and maintenance included, enjoy an exclusive experience in this secure residence.